5 Must-Do Before Workout Tips

What is the best pre-workout routine?

After years of competing against myself to achieve new heights of physical excellence, I have developed 5 Must-Do’s in order to have a productive and explosive workout.

1. Sleep!

I can’t stress enough the importance of allowing your body time to recover. Sleep is prime time for muscle building and recovery. Having trouble getting to sleep at night? It’s something we all struggle with but allowing enough time for sleep will help to maximize the benefit of the work you’ve already put in. Don’t short yourself! Get at least seven hours of sleep. Be careful drinking coffee or pre-workout in the evenings. You may have a great workout but if you’re not getting enough sleep, your muscle growth will be stunted.

2. Fluids/Cold Brew

Thirty minutes before a workout is the ideal sweet-spot for a pre-workout mix. Don’t like the skin crawly feeling that you get from most pre-workout mixes? Do like I do and drink Colombian Cold Brew. One 10 ounce can contains 200mg of caffeine and will give you the energy you need to perform on every rep. Regular coffee works as well, of course but I personally prefer the Kirkland brand cold brew I buy from Costco. 

2. Energy/Protein

3. A big inhibitor for a great workout, especially with newer trainers, is battling chronic soreness. Having high quality protein in your body will go a long way in muscle recovery. I’ve personally seen the best muscle gains and fat burning come from using Orgain products. Their lightweight protein shakes and protein bars fuel your muscle recovery without all that stomach discomfort and unwanted side effects of cheaper, low quality, products. Discount code SEB30 will also save you thirty percent off your first order. 

4. One rule I follow no matter what is, if I can do 10 reps, I increase the weight. Many trainers unfortunately become complacent and create mental blocks by simply doing the same lifts over and over again. This makes it impossible to achieve hypertrophy. You will be surprised how much your lifts will increase once you start following this golden rule. 

5. It is absolutely crucial to have a few glasses of water before working out. You’ll need the added hydration later when you’re sweating and pushing hard for every rep. Add some creatine, preferably 5mg before you hit the gym, and you’ll perform at your absolute best. 

Following these simple but important steps will help you get your training to the next level. Have comments or questions? Reach out.

By Sebastian Ventling

Sebastian is originally from Los Angeles but is presently located in Washington D.C.